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Dimitri Chrisoulis

Coach & Exercise Physiologist

Dimitri in studio ready to train his strength program in the South Yarra gym

Bachelor of Nutrition Science/Sports Science, Deakin University, Melbourne

Cert 3 & 4 Fitness, Australian Institute of Personal Trainers

Masters of Physiology (currently completing) 


I started my fitness journey at the age of 15, initially motivated by a desire to enhance my sports performance but also to lose weight and feel more comfortable in my own skin. As I delved deeper into training and nutrition, I discovered a passion for improving my body composition, which eventually surpassed my interest in sports.


This newfound enthusiasm led me to pursue a degree in Exercise Science, where I gained a comprehensive understanding of human physiology, biomechanics, and nutrition. Armed with this knowledge, I became a personal trainer and coach, eager to share my expertise and help others achieve their fitness and weightloss goals.


My favorite form of training is strength and conditioning. I find these modalities not only effective for physical development but also enjoyable and rewarding. Currently, I am furthering my education by studying for a master's degree in physiotherapy. This program will equip me with the skills and knowledge needed to assist individuals with chronic health issues and rehabilitate those recovering from injuries.


I am excited about the opportunity to expand my impact in the field of health and fitness and help even more people improve their quality of life through exercise and rehabilitation.

Get in Touch

0406 646 887 

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